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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Adverse Credit Mortgage Loan - Persistence Is The Key To Getting Approved

by Carrie Reeder

People with bad credit that are looking to get a home mortgage loan or to refinance their existing home mortgage loan, know how difficult of a job it can be to try and get approved. Adverse credit history can mean a little more legwork to get an approval for a mortgage loan, and especially to get a decent interest rate.

Most mortgage brokers will tell you that if they can’t help you, no one can. That is simply not true. Every mortgage broker or mortgage lender has access to very different lending programs. A program that may be impossible for one broker can be very possible for another broker. Some mortgage brokers have access to lending companies that specialize in home mortgage loans for people with less than perfect credit that have more lenient qualifications than other sub-prime lenders do.

The key to getting approved for a home mortgage loan with poor or bad credit is persistence.

Apply with online mortgage brokers that will submit your application to multiple lenders, so that you will receive at least 4 lender offers from each application that you submit. These companies will submit your application to usually hundreds of mortgage lenders that can help you with a refinance, purchase, second mortgage or home equity loan and then remit the 4 best offers available to you. These online mortgage broker services can help people in almost every state from Florida to California.

The best thing about this process is that most of these mortgage brokers won’t even pull your credit when you apply. That means that there is no risk to you for trying it out. Usually when you have started to work with a specific mortgage lender, that is when they will ask if they can pull your credit report. You may already know that multiple inquiries on your credit report can drop your credit score slightly, and if you have bad credit to begin with, you are going to want that score to be as high as possible.

Talk with many different mortgage loan brokers, if you can, have one mortgage loan broker pull your credit and then ask him/her what your credit score is. Then, go to all the other lenders you want to apply with and tell them your situation, with your credit score, income and down payment information. Have them give you some estimates of what they can do before they ever pull your credit.

There are many things you can do to boost your credit score, but before you let your bad credit keep you from getting into a home, be persistent and make sure you have applied with or talked with as many different mortgage lenders or mortgage service companies as you can. If you can apply online, that is a fast, easy way to apply with many mortgage lenders and get responses quickly.

About the Author:
To view Carrie Reeder's list of most recommended bad credit mortgage loan companies, visit this page: Carrie Reeder is the owner of ABC Loan Guide. It is an informational loan website, with informative articles and the latest finance news.


Adverse Credit Mortgage Loan - Persistence Is The Key To Getting Approved


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